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Welcome to Ginger and Joy! I'm Jayna, a nurse, military wife and mom living out the day to day joys of the life I've been given. I created this site in hopes of sharing these joys with others. I think its safe to say we are all in search of happiness, regardless of the stage of life we are in. It is my belief that happiness come from recognizing and capitalizing on the joyful moments in our everyday lives. These moments could be monumental or so small you almost miss them. I hope you enjoy reading about my moments of joys which most often revolve around my wonderful family, my love of fabric and crafting and the occasional sweet treat!

My family and I currently live in central Texas, where we hope to be here for a few years. With a husband in the military we are constantly on the move. The home we are currently in is the sixth one we have lived in since we were married in 2011. Yes, that makes six homes in six years! We have two beautiful girls, Nora and Lauren. They are fifteen months apart and the best of friends about fifty percent of the time. Seriously though, they go from fighting to hugging all in the matter of seconds. I have been contemplating starting a blog for a few months now. At the least, I know this is the perfect way to document and save memories for our girls and the perfect way to share these memories with family. If my stories do indeed inspire others to search for joy within their own lives, that's icing on the cake for me.

Thanks for reading. I am excited to share more of our lives with all of you!


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