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Be Kind

  Think about the last time someone did something thoughtful for you. Maybe a stranger paid for your coffee, perhaps a friend sent you a kind letter in the mail or maybe your spouse surprised you with a date night. How did that gesture make you feel?  Did you feel loved, valued, appreciated? You have the ability to make other people feel that way every single day; you have the ability to complete small actions that make a big impact on the people around you. Acts of gratitude and kindness are the best gifts you can give.

    My resolution for 2018 is positivity. I am trying to focus on the good, especially on the bad days. Through this, I have realized how much I have to be grateful for and how my negativity gets in the way of showing appreciation towards those things. In order to help show my appreciation more, I have put together a small list of actions; simple acts of gratitude and kindness that can help show appreciation for the people and things in my life. As Valentine's Day approaches, help me spread a little love and take this "Kindness Challenge" with me. You can download a printable version of the challenge list here Put it somewhere you will see it every day and complete the actions on your own timeline.  


In a world where you can be anything. Be Kind.

1. Make a list of all the things in your life you're grateful for and tape it to your bathroom mirror so you see it every morning.

2. Send a hand written letter to a friend you've been thinking about lately.

3. Offer to make your significant other breakfast, even if it means getting up early with them.

4. Leave a sweet note for your someone special in a place they wont be expecting. (sticky notes work best, on the coffee pot, bathroom mirror, in their jacket pocket, etc...).

5. Bake something for your neighbors or a local friend who could use a smile.

6. Place a small gift in you mailbox for your mailman or out front for the UPS/FEDEX delivery person.

8. Extend an invite to take a friend out to lunch.

9. Make a conscious effort to be a good listener today. Listen to hear, not to respond. Listening to others shows respect and helps them feel appreciated.

10. Give a larger tip than you usually give next time you go out to eat.

11. Buy a box of Thank You notes, if you aren't already good at writing thank you notes make this your new goal!

12. Don't be afraid to give a compliment to someone. If you think something nice about someone, tell them!

13. Buy coffee for someone.  A family member, a co-worker or even someone in line behind you.

14. Offer to watch a friends children so they can run errands or have a few hours to themselves.

15. Say Thank You. Its really that simple. Every time someone does something for you today, make a point to tell them thank you.

My hope is that together we can help bring more JOY to our lives and to others through these small actions. Its important to recognize that kind actions are contagious. The more kind and loving you are with you spouse, your children and your friends, the more kind and loving they will be with you. You don't need to mention this challenge for the people around you to catch on. They will notice and it will inspire them.

I look forward to hearing about how this has worked in your life. I have also included two free printables for you below!

Thank you for reading,


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